Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Saga Continues

Whilst thumbing through the Sunday Ads this week, I saw something at Shopko that left me speechless and breathless. Introducing...(drumroll, please)... THE COLLEGIATE SNUGGIE!

Allegedly, there's even a BYU pattern for all my friends going to the Y. However, sadly, no Harvard or BYU-I prints...YET! So don't be surprised this Christmas if you all open your gifts from me and discover a sleeved blanket adorned with school spirit!


Ginny Weasley-Potter said...

If they do come out with a BYU-Idaho print you better skip giving me a Christmas present. ;) Way to keep up with the blogging.

CO said...

I can only hope for an ERJH one..Oh yeah baby. I see a Christmas Present in my future!! lol

kimberly said...

I on the other hand will expect a BYU snuggie for Christmas.