Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Jon & Kate + 8 - Jon = Too Much Psycological Math

"Jon and Kate Plus 8" started out as a show about a family with eight kids and increasingly became a show about a man with no reason to live. Eventually, however, it turned in to a show depicting a broken home and the most hated man in America.

I have to admit, I didn't latch on instantly to the Gosselin's like the rest of America. When I first started watching, I felt sorry for Jon. I viewed Kate's actions toward him as being degrading and demeaning. However, in the light of day, I have been able to see how hard Kate had to work to keep Jon from acting like a ninth child. Now, I see a glimpse of how hard it really is to raise 8 children, wrangle in a worthless husband, and maintain a 1980's punk-rock hairstyle with ease and grace.


Front Porch Friend. said...

Hey, didn't we see her at a park one day? TWICE?

Ginny Weasley-Potter said...

Haha! I really cannot stop laughing. I am pretty sure he IS the most hated man in America! I also loved the comment about her hair. So, so true...and so, so sad.