Friday, September 18, 2009

Honk if You're Awesome!

Last night, I had to meet with my dad for appointment so he could check my eyes and get me a new pair of sunglasses. (Story within a story: I went to a football game in Pocatello last Saturday and lost my sunglasses.)

While we waited for him to finish up with another patient, The receptionist got my little brother, Tyson to go out to the street (which is a very high-traffic road) to hold up a big sign that said "HONK". That was it. Just "HONK". The response he got was incredible. It was weirder if a car drove past without honking. It was hilarious to watch.
At the end of the appointment, my dad let me pick out these new sunglasses to replace the ones robbed from me. I really like them. They have a certain "galacticly attractive " quality about them. Don't you think?


Front Porch Friend. said...

Dream on, Zac, dream on. They are really only cool if you wear them while exiting a sweet car and sporting some from of leather clothing!

Unknown said...

Just imagine the response you could have had if you had been standing out there with him...wearing the sunglasses!